Outline of ROCB A/P Activites 


The ROCB A/P has conducted many capacity building activities including organizing seminars/workshops and meetings, conducting diagnostic missions, assisting developing action plans, developing partnerships with donor agencies, and providing best practice reports since its establishment.


The WCO capacity building work includes a variety of activities designed to enhance the knowledge, abilities, skills, and behavior of individuals and improve institutional structures and processes to ensure that the Customs administration can efficiently achieve its missions and goals in a sustainable way.


To meet the objective, the ROCB A/P has established four pillars of activities in accordance with the WCO Asia Pacific Regional Strategic Plan (RSP). These pillars are: 1) Support implementation of WCO conventions, instruments and tools, 2) Further develop partnerships with development partners, 3) Improve needs analysis, planning, delivery and management of capacity building activities 4) Enhance communication and information sharing among members.


The ROCB A/P has conducted the following activities in each area:


1) Support the implementation of WCO conventions, instruments and tools


The ROCB AP in cooperation with stakeholders, such as WCO, WCO Asia Pacific Regional Vice Chair, 7 WCO Regional Training Centers (RTCs), various development partners and customs administrations in the Asia Pacific Region, has offered the technical support to the regional members by promoting the WCO conventions, instruments and tools. The covered customs subjects include intellectual property rights (IPR), Rules of Origin (ROO), Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC), Customs Valuation, intelligence management, partnership for Customs Modernization, natural disaster relief, Non-Intrusive Inspection(NII), Post Clearance Audit (PCA),Time Release Study (TRS), Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) and Harmonized System (HS). All the activities respond effectively to the imperative concerns raised by the members through the annual capacity building needs survey.


2) Further enhance collaboration with development partners


The ROCB A/P continues its efforts in enhancing cooperation with various development partners such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP) through regional, national and bilateral dialogue in order to provide quality support to our members. For that purpose, the ROCB A/P has organized many joint activities with these development partners and also sent experts to meetings, seminars, and workshops organized by them. Through such efforts, cooperation with development partners has been strengthened in the Asia Pacific Region.


3) Improve needs analysis, planning, delivery and management of capacity building activities


The ROCB A/P, in cooperation with the regional capacity building coordinator, conducts the capacity building needs survey every year to identify latest needs and priorities of the member administrations. Based on the needs and priorities raised by the regional members, the ROCB A/P confirms the capacity building activities with WCO and other development partners and works closely with WCO accredited experts and WCO Regional Training Center (RTCs) to deliver our planned activities.


4) Enhance communication and information sharing among member.


In order to improve communication among members on capacity building, the ROCB A/P has been using various tools, such as ROCB A/P website, E-newsletter and reports which introduce members’ good practices and experiences on certain customs techniques. 


With the intent of assuring effective use of limited resources and making the region’s capacity building more focused and result-oriented, the ROCB A/P developed its Strategic Action Plan 2022-2024 and Annual Work Plan 2023-2024 in close consultation with the Regional Vice Chair.

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